Time for better toys :

Time for better toys


Project insights

  • Social advertising
  • Social content
  • Gamification

The most ordinary items not only find their way into the household, but also between the sheets. From cucumber dildos to spank spatulas, you name it and it's used for some action in the bedroom. EasyToys would obviously prefer to see this differently. And that’s where Megawatt came in. We developed content that we will understand, but Facebook won’t.


The challenge
Anything that has the tiniest bit to do with eroticism is not allowed on social media. This makes online visibility for EasyToys not that easy at all. So, the question that needed to be investigated was: How can we advertise sex toys online without showing explicit images of the toys?

From the insight that people are creative in the bedroom when it comes to (homemade) toys, we developed the online campaign: Time for better toys. Just put that spatula back in the cutlery box and eat that cucumber, please. When any supermarket advertises cucumbers, we all know they're on sale. When you see an ad from EasyToys with a cucumber and the line "Time for better toys," we all get the message, too. But for an online algorithm this is more difficult. Therefore, we used a recognizable visual language that the target group understands but an online algorithm does not.

The ads linked through to a personality test. A test to find out what would be an appropriate sex toy for your specific needs and desires. By leaving data, the target audience had a chance to win a discount voucher at EasyToys.

The game converted very good with a conversion rate of almost 30%(!). This includes individuals who have fully completed and submitted the personality test. The campaign succeeded in circumventing the algorithm so that EasyToys can simply be visible online. This offers opportunities for an international expansion. Also, new online campaigns can be set up in the future. Fun fact; especially women are up for better toys ;).